Not Broken

Being heidE
Feb 15, 2021

Not broken but seasoned by moments, experiences and time, just not together

So many memories, just not together

So much history, just not together

Challengers and fears, inabilities and anxieties but not broken

The courage and the tenacity, determination with a smile

Still showing up, smiling through it all

No matter the years the little kid twinkles through

The impish smile that connects the soul to the heart and passes messages in a soft sweet voice that bypasses pain and brings healing

The kindness that emanates, the love that radiates and the generosity that makes the spirit vibrate and overflow

Laughter and silliness, the willingness to play the answer to making it through, making it thrilling and bringing happy,

not broken but different seasoned by life

The hope of a new day, the joy of waking up, the opportunity to play



Being heidE

Time traveller, life shows up with opportunities for growth & exploration.Trying to focus on today without losing myself in yesterday or fearing the future